As it’s one of the most commonly used specifications used on commercial aircraft today, it’s vitally important that you get to grips with ARINC 429 products

Click for ARINC-429 Avionics Cards  or ARINC-429 Analyzers


ARINC 429 is the name given to a particular important set of specifications used to facilitate communication between various components on commercial aircraft in particular. Given that it was developed on the back of the wealth of experience gained and lessons learned from previous specifications, this remains a significant development in avionics to this very day. If you’re looking for guaranteed quality and safety, you’ll need to know more about the arinc 429 components required to run this specification.

The Main Component Groups for ARINC 429

When transmitting important data over different channels via the ARINC 429 specifications, it’s certainly a good idea to have the most flexible components you can possibly find. Just make sure you understand all of the great features of each one to ascertain whether it fits your needs exactly. Consider some of the most frequently useful parts right here.


Multi Protocol 4000 Modules

Modules like these are incredibly useful when it comes to relaying and storing data as there are a huge 80 channels that’ll each transmit or receive information depending on your needs. All selected labels are stored in full, including status and time tag information that could prove vital should something go awry while testing or even while out on an actual flight.

Much of the operation of such modules is automated and there’s very little in the way of human to host interaction required. To ensure that everything runs smoothly while you’ve got your eye on something else that needs your attention, these modules come with error injection and detection functions as standard.

Developing and Testing Interfaces

When you’ve got hold of a high-quality PCMCIA card, you can simply plug in and play whether you’re in the field or in the laboratory. These types of cards are very small compared to some of the kit you can expect to see, and you’ll certainly be able to use them with any suitable laptop that comes with type II or type III slots. Just make sure that your computer is able to support input from a device operating on 16-bit.

Interfacing Is Integral

If you want to go all the way from designing through to testing and actually using system simulation programs, you’re likely to benefit from the use of a USB-compatible interface card with at least 5 channels. As you might expect from an interfacing device, the key word here is integration, and this class of devices uses an API that has been engineered to be compatible with all kinds components from the RTx group.

Perhaps the most useful extra feature is that you can use products like the DAS-429UNET/RTx in conjunction with one another. They can each be assigned a unique IP address that is accessible from any computer that’s hooked up to your network. Running a simulation development program really couldn’t be easier.

Now that you have a better understanding of what it takes to run the ARINC 429 specification, you can make informed choices about what you need to keep your aircraft up and running according to the latest avionics standards.