Welcome to Excalibur Systems Support!

  • Sales Support  -  Request price information on all our products
  • Technical Support  -  Questions / Problems / Comments you may have on our products
  • Help Desk -  A number of help tools to get you started
  • FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Downloads - Download software drivers and applications for our board level products
  • Tutorials 1553 - A 4 part introduction to MIL-STD-1553 (Video) & more!
  • Tutorials ARINC - Introduction to ARINC-664 part 7 (AFDX), ARINC-429/717 & ARINC-825(canbus)
  • Courses - Technical Training Seminars

Our dedicated staff will help you with any of your questions. We understand that anybody can sell a product but it is all about the SUPPORT that separates us from the others!